Bus From Ashland, WI To Duluth, MN

View bus schedules from Ashland, WI to Duluth, MN
Schedule IT 57
7:15 AM
ASH | Ashland
201 Main St. West
Ashland, WI 54806
Schedule IT 57
8:45 AM
DUL | Duluth
228 W. Michigan St.
Duluth, MN 55802
7:15 AM - 8:45 AM
Schedule IT 57

201 Main St. West
228 W. Michigan St.

1h 30m (0 transfers)


ASH | Ashland
201 Main St. West
Ashland, WI 54806
Depart: 7:15 AM
IT 57
Indian Trails
Iron River, WI
Arrive: 7:45 AM Depart: 7:45 AM
Brule, WI
Arrive: 7:55 AM Depart: 7:55 AM
Superior, WI
Arrive: 8:30 AM Depart: 8:30 AM
DUL | Duluth
228 W. Michigan St.
Duluth, MN 55802
Arrive: 8:45 AM

Itinerary - Please note that all times displayed are in local time.